
Sunday, August 10, 2003

It's Been Unique 

Well, on my last post I raved on about finding Nazis on the net. I should have known better; of course they are out there, just like the pornos, politicians, and post pinko wannabees. I did a little reading this past week on original Nazi philosophy and I also happened to read up on brown recluse spiders; there's a definitely cosmic connection.

Since I have been deemed racially unfit to orbit their burnt-out cinder of a philosophic star, I have decided not to put a link to the Nazi site, but I feel that any reader living in the midwest or south out to visit here at least once. To find out more about these noxious wonders of the nature, google them and then go clean your house.

In a lighter vein, the California scene has been downright weird. Truth be told, the current situation has unfolded quite naturally out of the behavior going on in the state. Over the past six months, I was accosted several times by people wanting me to sign petitions to recall Davis and I always refused. Even though I bear no support for the man, I feel that since we elected him, we ought to stick with it unless there is incontrovertible evidence of his incompetence. He aint a great gov, no doubt about that, but the budget crisis is not all his fault.

But the vox populi will be heard, and now it sems that the plebes want an ex-terminator to run the joint. Who can tell, maybe Arnold, or his advisors, can do something to clean up the mess. I havn't heard him say anything substantive. Come to think of it , all I have heard is a bunch of yucks and clucks from the media about the 'reality show circus' atmosphere. Go back and read my archived posts of last week. Was I prophetic or merely pathetic?

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